time=2025-02-14T16:47:46.890Z level=DEBUG msg="Not attempting generation of an ABI report" time=2025-02-14T16:47:46.890Z level=DEBUG msg="Configuring container namespace" time=2025-02-14T16:47:46.890Z level=DEBUG msg="Set binaries" eopkg=eopkg.bin eopkg_xml=eopkg.py2 ypkg=ypkg-build time=2025-02-14T16:47:46.890Z level=INFO msg="History generation enabled" time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.021Z level=DEBUG msg="Obtained package history" time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.027Z level=DEBUG msg="Building package" name=streamlink version=6.11.0 release=65 type=ypkg profile=unstable-x86_64 time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.027Z level=DEBUG msg="Configuring overlay storage" time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.027Z level=DEBUG msg="Mounting overlayfs" time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.027Z level=DEBUG msg="Mounting root tmpfs" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink size=40G time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.028Z level=DEBUG msg="Creating overlay storage directory" path=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/work time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.028Z level=DEBUG msg="Creating overlay storage directory" path=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/tmp time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.028Z level=DEBUG msg="Creating overlay storage directory" path=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/img time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.028Z level=DEBUG msg="Creating overlay storage directory" path=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.028Z level=DEBUG msg="Mounting backing image" point=/var/lib/solbuild/images/unstable-x86_64.img time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.032Z level=DEBUG msg="Mounting overlayfs" upper=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/tmp lower=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/img workdir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/work target=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.033Z level=DEBUG msg="Bringing up virtual filesystems" time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.033Z level=DEBUG msg="Creating VFS directory" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union/dev/pts time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.034Z level=DEBUG msg="Creating VFS directory" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union/dev/shm time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.034Z level=DEBUG msg="Mounting vfs /dev" time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.034Z level=DEBUG msg="Mounting vfs /dev/pts" time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.035Z level=DEBUG msg="Mounting vfs /proc" time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.035Z level=DEBUG msg="Mounting vfs /sys" time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.036Z level=DEBUG msg="Mounting vfs /dev/shm" time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.036Z level=DEBUG msg="Creating target directory" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union/home/build/work time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.036Z level=DEBUG msg="Copying source" source=/srv/builder/BUILDDIR/CLONE/packages/packages/s/streamlink/package.yml target=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union/home/build/work/package.yml time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.036Z level=DEBUG msg="Validating sources" time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.036Z level=DEBUG msg="Downloading source" uri=https://github.com/streamlink/streamlink/releases/download/6.11.0/streamlink-6.11.0.tar.gz time=2025-02-14T16:47:47.818Z level=INFO msg="Source URL redirected" uri="https://objects.githubusercontent.com/github-production-release-asset-2e65be/68402336/006321c0-94ad-4857-931c-2f1671bf0410?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=releaseassetproduction%2F20250214%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20250214T164747Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=08d0447c11f91c1b1ab30bd750f2de7818ab187f0b8e26befaddc10e76661900&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dstreamlink-6.11.0.tar.gz&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream" time=2025-02-14T16:47:48.228Z level=INFO msg="Downloading source" uri=https://github.com/streamlink/streamlink/releases/download/6.11.0/streamlink-6.11.0.tar.gz time=2025-02-14T16:47:48.237Z level=DEBUG msg="Copying host asset" key=/etc/resolv.conf time=2025-02-14T16:47:48.238Z level=DEBUG msg="Copying host asset" key=/etc/eopkg/eopkg.conf time=2025-02-14T16:47:48.239Z level=DEBUG msg="Starting D-BUS" time=2025-02-14T16:47:48.239Z level=DEBUG msg="Executing in chroot" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union command="dbus-uuidgen --ensure" time=2025-02-14T16:47:48.243Z level=DEBUG msg="Executing in chroot" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union command="dbus-daemon --system" time=2025-02-14T16:47:48.246Z level=DEBUG msg="Discovering repos in rootfs" time=2025-02-14T16:47:48.246Z level=DEBUG msg="Removing repository" repo=Solus time=2025-02-14T16:47:48.246Z level=DEBUG msg="Executing in chroot" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union command="eopkg.bin remove-repo 'Solus' -N" Repo Solus removed from system. time=2025-02-14T16:47:48.332Z level=DEBUG msg="Adding repo to system" name=Solus uri=https://packages.getsol.us/unstable/eopkg-index.xml.xz time=2025-02-14T16:47:48.332Z level=DEBUG msg="Executing in chroot" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union command="eopkg.bin add-repo 'Solus' 'https://packages.getsol.us/unstable/eopkg-index.xml.xz' -N" Warning: No repository found. Automatically adding Solus stable. Repo Solus added to system. Updating repository: Solus eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum (40.0 B) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum (40.0 B)100% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 1% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 1% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 1% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 1% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 2% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 2% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 2% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 2% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 3% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 3% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 3% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 3% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 4% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 4% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 4% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 4% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 5% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 5% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 5% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 6% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 6% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 6% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 6% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 7% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 7% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 7% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 7% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 8% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 8% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 8% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 8% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 9% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 9% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 9% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 9% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 10% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 10% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 10% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 11% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 11% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 11% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 11% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 12% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 12% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 12% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 12% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 13% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 13% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 13% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 13% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 14% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 14% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 14% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 14% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 15% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 15% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 15% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 16% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 16% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 16% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 16% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 17% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 17% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 17% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 17% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 18% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 18% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 18% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 18% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 19% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 19% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 19% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 19% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 20% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 20% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 20% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 21% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 21% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 21% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 21% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 22% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 22% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 22% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 22% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 23% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 23% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 23% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 23% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 24% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 24% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 24% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 24% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 25% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 25% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 25% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 26% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 26% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 26% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 26% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 27% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 27% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 27% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 27% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 28% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 28% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 28% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 28% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 29% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 29% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 29% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 29% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 30% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 30% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 30% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 31% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 31% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 31% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 31% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 32% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 32% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 32% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 32% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 33% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 33% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 33% 0.00 --/- 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0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 98% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 98% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 98% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 98% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 99% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 99% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 99% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB) 99% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz (3.1 MB)100% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete] Package database updated. time=2025-02-14T16:47:51.330Z level=DEBUG msg="Upgrading system base" time=2025-02-14T16:47:51.330Z level=DEBUG msg="Executing in chroot" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union command="eopkg.bin upgrade -y -N" Updating repositories Updating repository: Solus eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum (40.0 B) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] eopkg-index.xml.xz.sha1sum (40.0 B)100% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete] Solus repository information is up-to-date. Warning: Safety switch forces the upgrade of following packages: bash bash-completion btrfs-progs-libbtrfs clr-boot-manager curl dbus eopkg expat gettext glib2 glibc gobject-introspection hwdata libffi libgpg-error libgudev libjson-glib libnss libpipeline libxcrypt lvm2 lzip ncurses nghttp3 os-release piksemel python2-cffi shadow sqlite3 sudo systemd usysconf-epoch wireless-regdb xz zlib The following packages will be upgraded: bash bash-completion bash-completion-devel binutils binutils-libs blake3 btrfs-progs-libbtrfs clr-boot-manager curl dbus dbus-devel diffstat eopkg expat expat-devel gettext glib2 glib2-devel glibc glibc-devel gobject-introspection gobject-introspection-devel hwdata iproute2 iptables libffi libffi-devel libgpg-error libgpg-error-devel libgudev libgudev-devel libjson-glib libnss libpipeline libuv libxcrypt libxcrypt-devel linux-headers lvm2 lzip meson nano ncurses ncurses-devel nghttp3 os-release piksemel python-cffi python-eopkg python-packaging python2-cffi python3 shadow sqlite3 sudo systemd systemd-devel texinfo usysconf-epoch wireless-regdb xz xz-devel ypkg zlib zlib-devel Total size of package(s): 115.32 MB Warning: There are extra packages due to dependencies. Downloading 1 / 65 Package glibc found in repository Solus glibc-2.40-128-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 2 / 65 Package libffi found in repository Solus libffi-3.4.6-15-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 3 / 65 Package glib2 found in repository Solus glib2-2.82.4-117-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 4 / 65 Package gobject-introspection found in repository Solus gobject-introspection-1.82.0-40-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 5 / 65 Package diffstat found in repository Solus diffstat-1.67-13-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 6 / 65 Package libffi-devel found in repository Solus libffi-devel-3.4.6-15-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 7 / 65 Package systemd found in repository Solus systemd-254.23-172-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 8 / 65 Package lvm2 found in repository Solus lvm2-2.03.29-32-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 9 / 65 Package libgpg-error found in repository Solus libgpg-error-1.51-25-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 10 / 65 Package libgpg-error-devel found in repository Solus libgpg-error-devel-1.51-25-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 11 / 65 Package ncurses found in repository Solus ncurses-6.5.20250111-31-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 12 / 65 Package ncurses-devel found in repository Solus ncurses-devel-6.5.20250111-31-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 13 / 65 Package libgudev found in repository Solus libgudev-238-14-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 14 / 65 Package blake3 found in repository Solus blake3-1.5.5-6-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 15 / 65 Package btrfs-progs-libbtrfs found in repository Solus btrfs-progs-libbtrfs-6.12-69-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 16 / 65 Package zlib found in repository Solus zlib-2.2.4-32-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 17 / 65 Package xz found in repository Solus xz-5.6.3-39-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 18 / 65 Package xz-devel found in repository Solus xz-devel-5.6.3-39-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 19 / 65 Package python-cffi found in repository Solus python-cffi-1.17.1-19-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 20 / 65 Package wireless-regdb found in repository Solus wireless-regdb-2024.10.07-7-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 21 / 65 Package bash-completion found in repository Solus bash-completion-2.16.0-24-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 22 / 65 Package bash-completion-devel found in repository Solus bash-completion-devel-2.16.0-24-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 23 / 65 Package python-eopkg found in repository Solus python-eopkg-4.1.6-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 24 / 65 Package libuv found in repository Solus libuv-1.50.0-20-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 25 / 65 Package usysconf-epoch found in repository Solus usysconf-epoch-1.0.0-17-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 26 / 65 Package python2-cffi found in repository Solus python2-cffi-1.15.1-2-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 27 / 65 Package binutils-libs found in repository Solus binutils-libs-2.43.1-76-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 28 / 65 Package iptables found in repository Solus iptables-1.8.11-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 29 / 65 Package iproute2 found in repository Solus iproute2-6.12.0-29-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 30 / 65 Package bash found in repository Solus bash-5.2.37-85-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 31 / 65 Package curl found in repository Solus curl-8.11.1-104-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 32 / 65 Package binutils found in repository Solus binutils-2.43.1-76-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 33 / 65 Package glibc-devel found in repository Solus glibc-devel-2.40-128-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 34 / 65 Package ypkg found in repository Solus ypkg-34-201-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 35 / 65 Package nano found in repository Solus nano-8.3-203-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 36 / 65 Package libjson-glib found in repository Solus libjson-glib-1.10.6-28-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 37 / 65 Package libxcrypt found in repository Solus libxcrypt-4.4.37-8-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 38 / 65 Package libxcrypt-devel found in repository Solus libxcrypt-devel-4.4.37-8-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 39 / 65 Package libpipeline found in repository Solus libpipeline-1.5.8-9-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 40 / 65 Package nghttp3 found in repository Solus nghttp3-1.7.0-4-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 41 / 65 Package gettext found in repository Solus gettext-0.23-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 42 / 65 Package expat found in repository Solus expat-2.6.4-32-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 43 / 65 Package expat-devel found in repository Solus expat-devel-2.6.4-32-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 44 / 65 Package dbus found in repository Solus dbus-1.16.0-39-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 45 / 65 Package sqlite3 found in repository Solus sqlite3-3.48.0-61-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 46 / 65 Package libnss found in repository Solus libnss-3.107-69-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 47 / 65 Package piksemel found in repository Solus piksemel-1.3.1-5-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 48 / 65 Package os-release found in repository Solus os-release-4.7-3-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 49 / 65 Package python-packaging found in repository Solus python-packaging-24.2-23-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 50 / 65 Package linux-headers found in repository Solus linux-headers-6.12-111-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 51 / 65 Package systemd-devel found in repository Solus systemd-devel-254.23-172-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 52 / 65 Package libgudev-devel found in repository Solus libgudev-devel-238-14-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 53 / 65 Package lzip found in repository Solus lzip-1.24.1-8-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 54 / 65 Package meson found in repository Solus meson-1.7.0-65-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 55 / 65 Package hwdata found in repository Solus hwdata-0.392-37-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 56 / 65 Package zlib-devel found in repository Solus zlib-devel-2.2.4-32-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 57 / 65 Package glib2-devel found in repository Solus glib2-devel-2.82.4-117-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 58 / 65 Package gobject-introspection-devel found in repository Solus gobject-introspection-devel-1.82.0-40-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 59 / 65 Package eopkg found in repository Solus eopkg-4.1.6-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 60 / 65 Package dbus-devel found in repository Solus dbus-devel-1.16.0-39-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 61 / 65 Package sudo found in repository Solus sudo-1.9.16_p2-55-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 62 / 65 Package texinfo found in repository Solus texinfo-7.2-21-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 63 / 65 Package shadow found in repository Solus shadow-4.15.3-37-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 64 / 65 Package clr-boot-manager found in repository Solus clr-boot-manager-3.6.0-38-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 65 / 65 Package python3 found in repository Solus python3-3.11.11-69-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing 1 / 65 glibc-2.40-128-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing glibc, version 2.40, release 128 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of glibc Upgraded glibc Installing 2 / 65 libffi-3.4.6-15-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing libffi, version 3.4.6, release 15 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of libffi Upgraded libffi Installing 3 / 65 glib2-2.82.4-117-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing glib2, version 2.82.4, release 117 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of glib2 Upgraded glib2 Installing 4 / 65 gobject-introspection-1.82.0-40-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing gobject-introspection, version 1.82.0, release 40 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of gobject-introspection Upgraded gobject-introspection Installing 5 / 65 diffstat-1.67-13-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing diffstat, version 1.67, release 13 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of diffstat Upgraded diffstat Installing 6 / 65 libffi-devel-3.4.6-15-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing libffi-devel, version 3.4.6, release 15 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of libffi-devel Upgraded libffi-devel Installing 7 / 65 systemd-254.23-172-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing systemd, version 254.23, release 172 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of systemd Upgraded systemd Installing 8 / 65 lvm2-2.03.29-32-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing lvm2, version 2.03.29, release 32 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of lvm2 Upgraded lvm2 Installing 9 / 65 libgpg-error-1.51-25-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing libgpg-error, version 1.51, release 25 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of libgpg-error Upgraded libgpg-error Installing 10 / 65 libgpg-error-devel-1.51-25-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing libgpg-error-devel, version 1.51, release 25 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of libgpg-error-devel Upgraded libgpg-error-devel Installing 11 / 65 ncurses-6.5.20250111-31-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing ncurses, version 6.5.20250111, release 31 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of ncurses Upgraded ncurses Installing 12 / 65 ncurses-devel-6.5.20250111-31-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing ncurses-devel, version 6.5.20250111, release 31 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of ncurses-devel Upgraded ncurses-devel Installing 13 / 65 libgudev-238-14-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing libgudev, version 238, release 14 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of libgudev Upgraded libgudev Installing 14 / 65 blake3-1.5.5-6-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing blake3, version 1.5.5, release 6 Extracting the files of blake3 Installed blake3 Installing 15 / 65 btrfs-progs-libbtrfs-6.12-69-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing btrfs-progs-libbtrfs, version 6.12, release 69 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of btrfs-progs-libbtrfs Upgraded btrfs-progs-libbtrfs Installing 16 / 65 zlib-2.2.4-32-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing zlib, version 2.2.4, release 32 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of zlib Upgraded zlib Installing 17 / 65 xz-5.6.3-39-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing xz, version 5.6.3, release 39 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of xz Upgraded xz Installing 18 / 65 xz-devel-5.6.3-39-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing xz-devel, version 5.6.3, release 39 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of xz-devel Upgraded xz-devel Installing 19 / 65 python-cffi-1.17.1-19-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-cffi, version 1.17.1, release 19 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of python-cffi Upgraded python-cffi Installing 20 / 65 wireless-regdb-2024.10.07-7-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing wireless-regdb, version 2024.10.07, release 7 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of wireless-regdb Upgraded wireless-regdb Installing 21 / 65 bash-completion-2.16.0-24-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing bash-completion, version 2.16.0, release 24 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of bash-completion Upgraded bash-completion Installing 22 / 65 bash-completion-devel-2.16.0-24-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing bash-completion-devel, version 2.16.0, release 24 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of bash-completion-devel Upgraded bash-completion-devel Installing 23 / 65 python-eopkg-4.1.6-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-eopkg, version 4.1.6, release 18 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of python-eopkg Upgraded python-eopkg Installing 24 / 65 libuv-1.50.0-20-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing libuv, version 1.50.0, release 20 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of libuv Upgraded libuv Installing 25 / 65 usysconf-epoch-1.0.0-17-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing usysconf-epoch, version 1.0.0, release 17 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of usysconf-epoch Upgraded usysconf-epoch Installing 26 / 65 python2-cffi-1.15.1-2-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python2-cffi, version 1.15.1, release 2 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of python2-cffi Upgraded python2-cffi Installing 27 / 65 binutils-libs-2.43.1-76-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing binutils-libs, version 2.43.1, release 76 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of binutils-libs Upgraded binutils-libs Installing 28 / 65 iptables-1.8.11-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing iptables, version 1.8.11, release 18 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of iptables Upgraded iptables Installing 29 / 65 iproute2-6.12.0-29-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing iproute2, version 6.12.0, release 29 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of iproute2 Upgraded iproute2 Installing 30 / 65 bash-5.2.37-85-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing bash, version 5.2.37, release 85 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of bash Upgraded bash Installing 31 / 65 curl-8.11.1-104-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing curl, version 8.11.1, release 104 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of curl Upgraded curl Installing 32 / 65 binutils-2.43.1-76-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing binutils, version 2.43.1, release 76 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of binutils Upgraded binutils Installing 33 / 65 glibc-devel-2.40-128-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing glibc-devel, version 2.40, release 128 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of glibc-devel Upgraded glibc-devel Installing 34 / 65 ypkg-34-201-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing ypkg, version 34, release 201 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of ypkg Upgraded ypkg Installing 35 / 65 nano-8.3-203-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing nano, version 8.3, release 203 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of nano Upgraded nano Installing 36 / 65 libjson-glib-1.10.6-28-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing libjson-glib, version 1.10.6, release 28 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of libjson-glib Upgraded libjson-glib Installing 37 / 65 libxcrypt-4.4.37-8-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing libxcrypt, version 4.4.37, release 8 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of libxcrypt Upgraded libxcrypt Installing 38 / 65 libxcrypt-devel-4.4.37-8-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing libxcrypt-devel, version 4.4.37, release 8 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of libxcrypt-devel Upgraded libxcrypt-devel Installing 39 / 65 libpipeline-1.5.8-9-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing libpipeline, version 1.5.8, release 9 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of libpipeline Upgraded libpipeline Installing 40 / 65 nghttp3-1.7.0-4-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing nghttp3, version 1.7.0, release 4 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of nghttp3 Upgraded nghttp3 Installing 41 / 65 gettext-0.23-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing gettext, version 0.23, release 18 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of gettext Upgraded gettext Installing 42 / 65 expat-2.6.4-32-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing expat, version 2.6.4, release 32 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of expat Upgraded expat Installing 43 / 65 expat-devel-2.6.4-32-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing expat-devel, version 2.6.4, release 32 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of expat-devel Upgraded expat-devel Installing 44 / 65 dbus-1.16.0-39-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing dbus, version 1.16.0, release 39 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of dbus Upgraded dbus Installing 45 / 65 sqlite3-3.48.0-61-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing sqlite3, version 3.48.0, release 61 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of sqlite3 Upgraded sqlite3 Installing 46 / 65 libnss-3.107-69-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing libnss, version 3.107, release 69 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of libnss Upgraded libnss Installing 47 / 65 piksemel-1.3.1-5-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing piksemel, version 1.3.1, release 5 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of piksemel Upgraded piksemel Installing 48 / 65 os-release-4.7-3-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing os-release, version 4.7, release 3 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of os-release Upgraded os-release Installing 49 / 65 python-packaging-24.2-23-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-packaging, version 24.2, release 23 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of python-packaging Upgraded python-packaging Installing 50 / 65 linux-headers-6.12-111-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing linux-headers, version 6.12, release 111 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of linux-headers Upgraded linux-headers Installing 51 / 65 systemd-devel-254.23-172-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing systemd-devel, version 254.23, release 172 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of systemd-devel Upgraded systemd-devel Installing 52 / 65 libgudev-devel-238-14-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing libgudev-devel, version 238, release 14 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of libgudev-devel Upgraded libgudev-devel Installing 53 / 65 lzip-1.24.1-8-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing lzip, version 1.24.1, release 8 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of lzip Upgraded lzip Installing 54 / 65 meson-1.7.0-65-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing meson, version 1.7.0, release 65 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of meson Upgraded meson Installing 55 / 65 hwdata-0.392-37-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing hwdata, version 0.392, release 37 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of hwdata Upgraded hwdata Installing 56 / 65 zlib-devel-2.2.4-32-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing zlib-devel, version 2.2.4, release 32 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of zlib-devel Upgraded zlib-devel Installing 57 / 65 glib2-devel-2.82.4-117-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing glib2-devel, version 2.82.4, release 117 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of glib2-devel Upgraded glib2-devel Installing 58 / 65 gobject-introspection-devel-1.82.0-40-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing gobject-introspection-devel, version 1.82.0, release 40 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of gobject-introspection-devel Upgraded gobject-introspection-devel Installing 59 / 65 eopkg-4.1.6-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing eopkg, version 4.1.6, release 18 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of eopkg Upgraded eopkg Installing 60 / 65 dbus-devel-1.16.0-39-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing dbus-devel, version 1.16.0, release 39 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of dbus-devel Upgraded dbus-devel Installing 61 / 65 sudo-1.9.16_p2-55-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing sudo, version 1.9.16_p2, release 55 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of sudo Upgraded sudo Installing 62 / 65 texinfo-7.2-21-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing texinfo, version 7.2, release 21 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of texinfo Upgraded texinfo Installing 63 / 65 shadow-4.15.3-37-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing shadow, version 4.15.3, release 37 Upgrading to new distribution release Extracting the files of shadow Upgraded shadow Installing 64 / 65 clr-boot-manager-3.6.0-38-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing clr-boot-manager, version 3.6.0, release 38 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of clr-boot-manager Upgraded clr-boot-manager Installing 65 / 65 python3-3.11.11-69-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python3, version 3.11.11, release 69 Upgrading to new upstream version Extracting the files of python3 Upgraded python3 time=2025-02-14T16:48:00.685Z level=DEBUG msg="Executing in chroot" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union command="eopkg.bin install -y abi-wizard iproute2 sccache -N" Warning: The following package(s) are already installed and are not going to be installed again: abi-wizard iproute2 sccache No packages to install. time=2025-02-14T16:48:00.880Z level=DEBUG msg="Asserting system.devel component installation" time=2025-02-14T16:48:00.880Z level=DEBUG msg="Executing in chroot" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union command="eopkg.bin install -y -c system.devel -N" Warning: The following package(s) are already installed and are not going to be installed again: asciify autoconf automake bash-completion-devel binutils bison blake3 cmake dbus-devel diffstat diffutils expat-devel fakeroot file-devel flex flex-devel g++ gcc gfortran glibc-devel gmp-devel gobject-introspection-devel intltool libarchive-bin libffi-devel libgpg-error-devel libgudev-devel libtool-devel libxcrypt-devel libxml2-devel linux-headers m4 make meson mpc-devel mpfr-devel nano nano-syntax-highlighting nasm ncurses-devel openssl-devel pam-devel patch pkgconf polkit-devel python-devel readline-devel rootlesskit systemd-devel texinfo util-linux-devel ypkg zlib-devel No packages to install. time=2025-02-14T16:48:01.072Z level=DEBUG msg="Writing packager file" time=2025-02-14T16:48:01.072Z level=DEBUG msg="Installing build dependencies" file=/home/build/work/package.yml time=2025-02-14T16:48:01.072Z level=DEBUG msg="Executing in chroot" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union command="ypkg-install-deps --eopkg-cmd='eopkg.bin' -f /home/build/work/package.yml -n" Following packages will be installed: pbr py python-async-generator python-attrs python-certifi python-chardet python-charset-normalizer python-cryptography python-dateutil python-exceptiongroup python-freezegun python-h11 python-idna python-iniconfig python-isodate python-lxml python-mock python-openssl python-outcome python-pluggy python-pycountry python-pycryptodome python-pysocks python-pytest python-pytest-mock python-pytest-trio python-requests python-requests-mock python-six python-sniffio python-sortedcontainers python-tomli python-trio python-trio-websocket python-typing-extensions python-urllib3 python-websocket-client python-wsproto Total size of package(s): 10.62 MB Downloading 1 / 38 Package python-isodate found in repository Solus python-isodate-0.6.1-9-1-x86_64.eopkg (52.6 KB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-isodate-0.6.1-9-1-x86_64.eopkg (52.6 KB) 15% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-isodate-0.6.1-9-1-x86_64.eopkg (52.6 KB) 31% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-isodate-0.6.1-9-1-x86_64.eopkg (52.6 KB) 46% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-isodate-0.6.1-9-1-x86_64.eopkg (52.6 KB) 62% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-isodate-0.6.1-9-1-x86_64.eopkg (52.6 KB) 77% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-isodate-0.6.1-9-1-x86_64.eopkg (52.6 KB) 93% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-isodate-0.6.1-9-1-x86_64.eopkg (52.6 KB)100% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete] Downloading 2 / 38 Package python-sniffio found in repository Solus python-sniffio-1.3.1-6-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 3 / 38 Package python-charset-normalizer found in repository Solus python-charset-normalizer-3.4.1-10-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 4 / 38 Package python-attrs found in repository Solus python-attrs-25.1.0-22-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 5 / 38 Package python-pycountry found in repository Solus python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 1% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 1% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 1% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 2% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 2% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 2% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 3% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 3% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 3% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 4% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 4% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 4% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 5% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 5% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 5% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 6% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 6% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 6% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 7% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 7% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 7% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 7% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 8% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 8% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 8% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 9% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 9% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 9% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 10% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 10% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 10% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 11% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 11% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 11% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 12% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 12% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 12% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 13% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 13% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 13% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] 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python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 34% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 35% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 35% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 35% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 36% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 36% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 36% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 37% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 37% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 37% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 38% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 38% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 38% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] 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python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 51% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 51% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 52% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 52% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 52% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 53% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 53% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 53% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 54% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 54% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 54% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 54% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 55% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 55% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 55% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 56% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 56% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 56% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 57% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 57% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 57% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 58% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 58% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 58% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 59% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 59% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 59% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 60% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 60% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 60% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 61% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 61% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 61% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 62% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 62% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 62% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 62% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 63% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 63% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 63% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 64% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 64% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 64% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 65% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 65% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 65% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 66% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 66% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 66% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 67% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 67% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 67% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 68% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 68% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 68% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 69% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 69% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 69% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 70% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 70% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 70% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 70% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 71% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 71% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 71% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 72% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 72% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 72% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 73% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 73% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 73% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 74% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 74% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 74% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 75% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 75% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 75% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 76% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 76% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 76% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 77% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 77% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 77% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 77% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 78% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 78% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 78% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 79% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 79% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 79% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 80% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 80% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 80% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 81% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 81% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 81% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 82% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 82% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 82% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 83% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 83% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 83% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 84% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 84% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 84% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 85% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 85% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 85% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 85% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 86% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 86% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 86% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 87% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 87% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 87% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 88% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 88% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 88% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 89% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 89% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 89% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 90% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 90% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 90% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 91% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 91% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 91% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 92% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 92% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 92% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 93% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 93% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 93% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 93% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 94% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 94% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 94% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 95% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 95% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 95% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 96% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 96% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 96% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 97% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 97% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 97% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 98% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 98% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 98% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 99% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 99% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB) 99% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg (2.6 MB)100% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete] Downloading 6 / 38 Package python-async-generator found in repository Solus python-async-generator-1.10-4-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 7 / 38 Package py found in repository Solus py-1.11.0-20-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 8 / 38 Package python-certifi found in repository Solus python-certifi-2025.1.31-25-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 9 / 38 Package python-idna found in repository Solus python-idna-3.7-14-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 10 / 38 Package python-chardet found in repository Solus python-chardet-5.2.0-15-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 11 / 38 Package python-pysocks found in repository Solus python-pysocks-1.7.1-10-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 12 / 38 Package python-cryptography found in repository Solus python-cryptography-44.0.1-31-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 13 / 38 Package python-openssl found in repository Solus python-openssl-24.2.1-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 14 / 38 Package python-urllib3 found in repository Solus python-urllib3-1.26.18-17-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 15 / 38 Package python-requests found in repository Solus python-requests-2.32.3-20-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 16 / 38 Package python-h11 found in repository Solus python-h11-0.14.0-3-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 17 / 38 Package python-wsproto found in repository Solus python-wsproto-1.2.0-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (47.8 KB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-wsproto-1.2.0-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (47.8 KB) 17% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-wsproto-1.2.0-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (47.8 KB) 34% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-wsproto-1.2.0-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (47.8 KB) 51% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-wsproto-1.2.0-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (47.8 KB) 68% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-wsproto-1.2.0-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (47.8 KB) 85% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-wsproto-1.2.0-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (47.8 KB)100% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete] Downloading 18 / 38 Package python-exceptiongroup found in repository Solus python-exceptiongroup-1.2.0-4-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 19 / 38 Package python-outcome found in repository Solus python-outcome-1.3.0-6-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 20 / 38 Package python-sortedcontainers found in repository Solus python-sortedcontainers-2.4.0-10-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 21 / 38 Package python-trio found in repository Solus python-trio-0.23.1-10-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 22 / 38 Package python-trio-websocket found in repository Solus python-trio-websocket-0.11.1-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (33.2 KB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-trio-websocket-0.11.1-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (33.2 KB) 24% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-trio-websocket-0.11.1-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (33.2 KB) 49% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-trio-websocket-0.11.1-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (33.2 KB) 74% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-trio-websocket-0.11.1-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (33.2 KB) 98% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-trio-websocket-0.11.1-3-1-x86_64.eopkg (33.2 KB)100% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete] Downloading 23 / 38 Package python-iniconfig found in repository Solus python-iniconfig-2.0.0-4-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 24 / 38 Package python-pluggy found in repository Solus python-pluggy-1.5.0-20-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 25 / 38 Package python-pytest found in repository Solus python-pytest-8.3.3-31-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 26 / 38 Package python-pycryptodome found in repository Solus python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 1% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 1% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 2% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 2% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 3% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 3% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 4% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 4% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 5% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 5% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 6% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 6% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 7% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 7% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 8% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 8% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 9% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 10% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 10% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 11% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 11% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 12% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 12% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 13% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 13% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 14% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 14% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 15% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 15% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 16% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 16% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 17% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 17% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 18% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 18% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 19% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 20% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 20% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 21% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 21% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 22% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 22% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 23% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 23% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 24% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 24% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 25% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 25% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 26% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 26% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 27% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 27% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 28% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 29% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 29% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 30% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 30% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 31% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 31% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 32% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 32% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 33% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 33% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 34% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 34% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 35% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 35% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 36% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 36% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 37% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 37% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 38% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 39% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 39% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 40% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 40% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 41% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 41% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 42% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 42% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 43% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 43% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 44% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 44% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 45% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 45% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 46% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 46% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 47% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 47% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 48% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 49% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 49% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 50% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 50% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 51% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 51% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 52% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 52% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 53% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 53% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 54% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 54% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 55% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 55% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 56% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 56% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 57% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 58% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 58% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 59% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 59% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 60% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 60% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 61% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 61% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 62% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 62% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 63% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 63% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 64% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 64% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 65% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 65% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 66% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 66% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 67% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 68% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 68% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 69% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 69% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 70% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 70% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 71% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 71% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 72% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 72% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 73% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 73% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 74% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 74% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 75% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 75% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 76% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 76% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 77% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 78% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 78% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 79% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 79% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 80% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 80% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 81% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 81% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 82% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 82% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 83% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 83% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 84% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 84% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 85% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 85% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 86% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 87% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 87% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 88% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 88% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 89% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 89% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 90% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 90% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 91% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 91% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 92% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 92% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 93% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 93% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 94% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 94% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 95% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 95% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 96% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 97% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 97% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 98% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 98% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 99% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB) 99% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg (1.6 MB)100% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete] Downloading 27 / 38 Package python-requests-mock found in repository Solus python-requests-mock-1.12.1-11-1-x86_64.eopkg (38.9 KB) 0% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-requests-mock-1.12.1-11-1-x86_64.eopkg (38.9 KB) 21% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-requests-mock-1.12.1-11-1-x86_64.eopkg (38.9 KB) 42% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-requests-mock-1.12.1-11-1-x86_64.eopkg (38.9 KB) 63% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-requests-mock-1.12.1-11-1-x86_64.eopkg (38.9 KB) 84% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] python-requests-mock-1.12.1-11-1-x86_64.eopkg (38.9 KB)100% 0.00 --/- [--:--:--] [complete] Downloading 28 / 38 Package python-six found in repository Solus python-six-1.16.0-23-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 29 / 38 Package python-dateutil found in repository Solus python-dateutil-2.9.0-23-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 30 / 38 Package python-pytest-trio found in repository Solus python-pytest-trio-0.8.0-3-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 31 / 38 Package python-pytest-mock found in repository Solus python-pytest-mock-3.12.0-15-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 32 / 38 Package pbr found in repository Solus pbr-5.11.1-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 33 / 38 Package python-mock found in repository Solus python-mock-5.1.0-11-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 34 / 38 Package python-freezegun found in repository Solus python-freezegun-1.4.0-12-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 35 / 38 Package python-lxml found in repository Solus python-lxml-5.2.2-22-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 36 / 38 Package python-tomli found in repository Solus python-tomli-2.0.1-6-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 37 / 38 Package python-typing-extensions found in repository Solus python-typing-extensions-4.9.0-10-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Downloading 38 / 38 Package python-websocket-client found in repository Solus python-websocket-client-1.8.0-16-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing 1 / 38 python-isodate-0.6.1-9-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-isodate, version 0.6.1, release 9 Extracting the files of python-isodate Installed python-isodate Installing 2 / 38 python-sniffio-1.3.1-6-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-sniffio, version 1.3.1, release 6 Extracting the files of python-sniffio Installed python-sniffio Installing 3 / 38 python-charset-normalizer-3.4.1-10-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-charset-normalizer, version 3.4.1, release 10 Extracting the files of python-charset-normalizer Installed python-charset-normalizer Installing 4 / 38 python-attrs-25.1.0-22-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-attrs, version 25.1.0, release 22 Extracting the files of python-attrs Installed python-attrs Installing 5 / 38 python-pycountry-24.6.1-13-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-pycountry, version 24.6.1, release 13 Extracting the files of python-pycountry Installed python-pycountry Installing 6 / 38 python-async-generator-1.10-4-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-async-generator, version 1.10, release 4 Extracting the files of python-async-generator Installed python-async-generator Installing 7 / 38 py-1.11.0-20-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing py, version 1.11.0, release 20 Extracting the files of py Installed py Installing 8 / 38 python-certifi-2025.1.31-25-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-certifi, version 2025.1.31, release 25 Extracting the files of python-certifi Installed python-certifi Installing 9 / 38 python-idna-3.7-14-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-idna, version 3.7, release 14 Extracting the files of python-idna Installed python-idna Installing 10 / 38 python-chardet-5.2.0-15-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-chardet, version 5.2.0, release 15 Extracting the files of python-chardet Installed python-chardet Installing 11 / 38 python-pysocks-1.7.1-10-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-pysocks, version 1.7.1, release 10 Extracting the files of python-pysocks Installed python-pysocks Installing 12 / 38 python-cryptography-44.0.1-31-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-cryptography, version 44.0.1, release 31 Extracting the files of python-cryptography Installed python-cryptography Installing 13 / 38 python-openssl-24.2.1-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-openssl, version 24.2.1, release 18 Extracting the files of python-openssl Installed python-openssl Installing 14 / 38 python-urllib3-1.26.18-17-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-urllib3, version 1.26.18, release 17 Extracting the files of python-urllib3 Installed python-urllib3 Installing 15 / 38 python-requests-2.32.3-20-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-requests, version 2.32.3, release 20 Extracting the files of python-requests Installed python-requests Installing 16 / 38 python-h11-0.14.0-3-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-h11, version 0.14.0, release 3 Extracting the files of python-h11 Installed python-h11 Installing 17 / 38 python-wsproto-1.2.0-3-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-wsproto, version 1.2.0, release 3 Extracting the files of python-wsproto Installed python-wsproto Installing 18 / 38 python-exceptiongroup-1.2.0-4-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-exceptiongroup, version 1.2.0, release 4 Extracting the files of python-exceptiongroup Installed python-exceptiongroup Installing 19 / 38 python-outcome-1.3.0-6-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-outcome, version 1.3.0, release 6 Extracting the files of python-outcome Installed python-outcome Installing 20 / 38 python-sortedcontainers-2.4.0-10-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-sortedcontainers, version 2.4.0, release 10 Extracting the files of python-sortedcontainers Installed python-sortedcontainers Installing 21 / 38 python-trio-0.23.1-10-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-trio, version 0.23.1, release 10 Extracting the files of python-trio Installed python-trio Installing 22 / 38 python-trio-websocket-0.11.1-3-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-trio-websocket, version 0.11.1, release 3 Extracting the files of python-trio-websocket Installed python-trio-websocket Installing 23 / 38 python-iniconfig-2.0.0-4-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-iniconfig, version 2.0.0, release 4 Extracting the files of python-iniconfig Installed python-iniconfig Installing 24 / 38 python-pluggy-1.5.0-20-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-pluggy, version 1.5.0, release 20 Extracting the files of python-pluggy Installed python-pluggy Installing 25 / 38 python-pytest-8.3.3-31-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-pytest, version 8.3.3, release 31 Extracting the files of python-pytest Installed python-pytest Installing 26 / 38 python-pycryptodome-3.21.0-1-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-pycryptodome, version 3.21.0, release 1 Extracting the files of python-pycryptodome Installed python-pycryptodome Installing 27 / 38 python-requests-mock-1.12.1-11-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-requests-mock, version 1.12.1, release 11 Extracting the files of python-requests-mock Installed python-requests-mock Installing 28 / 38 python-six-1.16.0-23-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-six, version 1.16.0, release 23 Extracting the files of python-six Installed python-six Installing 29 / 38 python-dateutil-2.9.0-23-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-dateutil, version 2.9.0, release 23 Extracting the files of python-dateutil Installed python-dateutil Installing 30 / 38 python-pytest-trio-0.8.0-3-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-pytest-trio, version 0.8.0, release 3 Extracting the files of python-pytest-trio Installed python-pytest-trio Installing 31 / 38 python-pytest-mock-3.12.0-15-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-pytest-mock, version 3.12.0, release 15 Extracting the files of python-pytest-mock Installed python-pytest-mock Installing 32 / 38 pbr-5.11.1-18-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing pbr, version 5.11.1, release 18 Extracting the files of pbr Installed pbr Installing 33 / 38 python-mock-5.1.0-11-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-mock, version 5.1.0, release 11 Extracting the files of python-mock Installed python-mock Installing 34 / 38 python-freezegun-1.4.0-12-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-freezegun, version 1.4.0, release 12 Extracting the files of python-freezegun Installed python-freezegun Installing 35 / 38 python-lxml-5.2.2-22-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-lxml, version 5.2.2, release 22 Extracting the files of python-lxml Installed python-lxml Installing 36 / 38 python-tomli-2.0.1-6-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-tomli, version 2.0.1, release 6 Extracting the files of python-tomli Installed python-tomli Installing 37 / 38 python-typing-extensions-4.9.0-10-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-typing-extensions, version 4.9.0, release 10 Extracting the files of python-typing-extensions Installed python-typing-extensions Installing 38 / 38 python-websocket-client-1.8.0-16-1-x86_64.eopkg [cached] Installing python-websocket-client, version 1.8.0, release 16 Extracting the files of python-websocket-client Installed python-websocket-client [BuildDep] Checking build-deps for streamlink-6.11.0-65 [BuildDep] Requesting installation of: python-pycountry, python-pysocks, python-lxml, python-trio-websocket, python-websocket-client, python-pytest-trio, python-isodate, python-freezegun, python-pytest-mock, python-typing-extensions, python-pycryptodome, python-tomli, python-requests-mock, python-requests, python-mock time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.840Z level=DEBUG msg="Stopping D-BUS" time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.841Z level=DEBUG msg="Executing in chroot" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union command="chown -R build:build /home/build" time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.843Z level=WARN msg="Package has explicitly requested networking, sandboxing disabled" time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.843Z level=DEBUG msg="Exposing source to container" source=/var/lib/solbuild/sources/562e5d753ca109e1956207de4ac27c337ce6b99fbe7ed7203b945105ed5b2f86/streamlink-6.11.0.tar.gz target=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union/home/build/YPKG/sources/streamlink-6.11.0.tar.gz time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.844Z level=DEBUG msg="Exposing cache to build" cache=bazel source=/var/lib/solbuild/cache/bazel target=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union/home/build/.cache/bazel time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.844Z level=DEBUG msg="Exposing cache to build" cache=ccache source=/var/lib/solbuild/cache/ccache target=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union/home/build/.ccache time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.845Z level=DEBUG msg="Exposing cache to build" cache=go-build source=/var/lib/solbuild/cache/go-build target=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union/home/build/.cache/go-build time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.845Z level=DEBUG msg="Exposing cache to build" cache=sccache source=/var/lib/solbuild/cache/sccache target=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union/home/build/.cache/sccache time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.846Z level=DEBUG msg="Copying host asset" key=/etc/resolv.conf time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.846Z level=DEBUG msg="Copying host asset" key=/etc/eopkg/eopkg.conf time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.846Z level=DEBUG msg="Starting sccache server" time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.854Z level=INFO msg="Now starting build" package=streamlink time=2025-02-14T16:48:02.854Z level=DEBUG msg="Executing in chroot" dir=/var/cache/solbuild/unstable-x86_64/streamlink/union command="ypkg-build -D /home/build/work -B /home/build/YPKG /home/build/work/package.yml -n -t 1728926086" + cd /home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + export 'CFLAGS=-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -Wformat -Wformat-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + CFLAGS='-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -Wformat -Wformat-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + export 'CXXFLAGS=-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + CXXFLAGS='-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + export 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,max-page-size=0x1000 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,-z,pack-relative-relocs' + LDFLAGS='-Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,max-page-size=0x1000 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,-z,pack-relative-relocs' + export RUSTFLAGS=-Cforce-frame-pointers + RUSTFLAGS=-Cforce-frame-pointers + export 'FFLAGS=-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + FFLAGS='-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + export 'FCFLAGS=-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + FCFLAGS='-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin + PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin + export workdir=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + workdir=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + export package=streamlink + package=streamlink + export release=65 + release=65 + export version=6.11.0 + version=6.11.0 + export sources=/home/build/YPKG/sources + sources=/home/build/YPKG/sources + export pkgfiles=/home/build/work/files + pkgfiles=/home/build/work/files + export installdir=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/install + installdir=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/install + export PKG_ROOT_DIR=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink + PKG_ROOT_DIR=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink + export PKG_BUILD_DIR=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build + PKG_BUILD_DIR=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build + export LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64 + LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64 + export CC=x86_64-solus-linux-gcc + CC=x86_64-solus-linux-gcc + export CXX=x86_64-solus-linux-g++ + CXX=x86_64-solus-linux-g++ + export LD_AS_NEEDED=1 + LD_AS_NEEDED=1 + export TERM=dumb + TERM=dumb + export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1728926086 + SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1728926086 + unset DISPLAY SUDO_USER SUDO_GID SUDO_UID SUDO_COMMAND CDPATH + export PYTHONUSERBASE=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + PYTHONUSERBASE=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0/bin/ + PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0/bin/ + python3 -m pip install --user versioningit WARNING: The directory '/home/build/.cache/pip' or its parent directory is not owned or is not writable by the current user. The cache has been disabled. Check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you should use sudo's -H flag. Collecting versioningit Downloading versioningit-3.1.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (9.4 kB) Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=17.1 in /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages (from versioningit) (24.2) Downloading versioningit-3.1.2-py3-none-any.whl (37 kB) Installing collected packages: versioningit Successfully installed versioningit-3.1.2 WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager, possibly rendering your system unusable.It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv. Use the --root-user-action option if you know what you are doing and want to suppress this warning. [notice] A new release of pip is available: 24.3.1 -> 25.0.1 [notice] To update, run: pip3 install --upgrade pip + python3 -m pip wheel --no-deps . WARNING: The directory '/home/build/.cache/pip' or its parent directory is not owned or is not writable by the current user. The cache has been disabled. Check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you should use sudo's -H flag. Processing /home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 Installing build dependencies: started Installing build dependencies: finished with status 'done' Getting requirements to build wheel: started Getting requirements to build wheel: finished with status 'done' Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml): started Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml): finished with status 'done' Building wheels for collected packages: streamlink Building wheel for streamlink (pyproject.toml): started Building wheel for streamlink (pyproject.toml): finished with status 'done' Created wheel for streamlink: filename=streamlink-6.11.0-py3-none-any.whl size=530871 sha256=c58df7b7b614a3c8b15130df41db3057c9b04609f50ec9d08a76d8ec738c0293 Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-udginkvx/wheels/e4/3d/33/b35b5fd1d98d8da67863173c1ef1830d96ee2797c3272b2965 Successfully built streamlink [notice] A new release of pip is available: 24.3.1 -> 25.0.1 [notice] To update, run: pip3 install --upgrade pip + cd /home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + export 'CFLAGS=-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -Wformat -Wformat-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + CFLAGS='-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -Wformat -Wformat-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + export 'CXXFLAGS=-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + CXXFLAGS='-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + export 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,max-page-size=0x1000 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,-z,pack-relative-relocs' + LDFLAGS='-Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,max-page-size=0x1000 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,-z,pack-relative-relocs' + export RUSTFLAGS=-Cforce-frame-pointers + RUSTFLAGS=-Cforce-frame-pointers + export 'FFLAGS=-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + FFLAGS='-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + export 'FCFLAGS=-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + FCFLAGS='-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin + PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin + export workdir=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + workdir=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + export package=streamlink + package=streamlink + export release=65 + release=65 + export version=6.11.0 + version=6.11.0 + export sources=/home/build/YPKG/sources + sources=/home/build/YPKG/sources + export pkgfiles=/home/build/work/files + pkgfiles=/home/build/work/files + export installdir=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/install + installdir=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/install + export PKG_ROOT_DIR=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink + PKG_ROOT_DIR=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink + export PKG_BUILD_DIR=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build + PKG_BUILD_DIR=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build + export LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64 + LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64 + export CC=x86_64-solus-linux-gcc + CC=x86_64-solus-linux-gcc + export CXX=x86_64-solus-linux-g++ + CXX=x86_64-solus-linux-g++ + export LD_AS_NEEDED=1 + LD_AS_NEEDED=1 + export TERM=dumb + TERM=dumb + export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1728926086 + SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1728926086 + unset DISPLAY SUDO_USER SUDO_GID SUDO_UID SUDO_COMMAND CDPATH + python3 -m pip install --root=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/install --no-deps streamlink-6.11.0-py3-none-any.whl WARNING: The directory '/home/build/.cache/pip' or its parent directory is not owned or is not writable by the current user. The cache has been disabled. Check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you should use sudo's -H flag. Processing ./streamlink-6.11.0-py3-none-any.whl Installing collected packages: streamlink WARNING: The script streamlink is installed in '/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/install/usr/bin' which is not on PATH. Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location. Successfully installed streamlink-6.11.0 WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager, possibly rendering your system unusable.It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv. Use the --root-user-action option if you know what you are doing and want to suppress this warning. [notice] A new release of pip is available: 24.3.1 -> 25.0.1 [notice] To update, run: pip3 install --upgrade pip + cd /home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + export 'CFLAGS=-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -Wformat -Wformat-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + CFLAGS='-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -Wformat -Wformat-security -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + export 'CXXFLAGS=-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + CXXFLAGS='-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + export 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,max-page-size=0x1000 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,-z,pack-relative-relocs' + LDFLAGS='-Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,max-page-size=0x1000 -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,--sort-common -Wl,-z,pack-relative-relocs' + export RUSTFLAGS=-Cforce-frame-pointers + RUSTFLAGS=-Cforce-frame-pointers + export 'FFLAGS=-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + FFLAGS='-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + export 'FCFLAGS=-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + FCFLAGS='-mtune=generic -march=x86-64 -g2 -O2 -pipe -fPIC -fno-plt -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=32 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -ftree-vectorize -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -Wall -Wno-error -Wp,-D_REENTRANT' + export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin + PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin + export workdir=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + workdir=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + export package=streamlink + package=streamlink + export release=65 + release=65 + export version=6.11.0 + version=6.11.0 + export sources=/home/build/YPKG/sources + sources=/home/build/YPKG/sources + export pkgfiles=/home/build/work/files + pkgfiles=/home/build/work/files + export installdir=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/install + installdir=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/install + export PKG_ROOT_DIR=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink + PKG_ROOT_DIR=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink + export PKG_BUILD_DIR=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build + PKG_BUILD_DIR=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build + export LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64 + LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64 + export CC=x86_64-solus-linux-gcc + CC=x86_64-solus-linux-gcc + export CXX=x86_64-solus-linux-g++ + CXX=x86_64-solus-linux-g++ + export LD_AS_NEEDED=1 + LD_AS_NEEDED=1 + export TERM=dumb + TERM=dumb + export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1728926086 + SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1728926086 + unset DISPLAY SUDO_USER SUDO_GID SUDO_UID SUDO_COMMAND CDPATH + python3_test pytest3 + [[ -d py3build ]] + [[ -z '' ]] ++ python3 --version ++ sed -r 's|^Python (.*)\..*$|\1|' + export PYTHONPATH=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/install/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages:/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + PYTHONPATH=/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/install/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages:/home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 + [[ -d build/lib ]] + PYTHONPATH+=/build/lib + local do_unset=true + [[ -z pytest3 ]] + [[ pytest3 =~ .*\.py$ ]] + [[ pytest3 == \-* ]] + pytest3 ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.11.11, pytest-8.3.3, pluggy-1.5.0 rootdir: /home/build/YPKG/root/streamlink/build/streamlink-6.11.0 configfile: pyproject.toml testpaths: build_backend, tests plugins: requests-mock-1.12.1, trio-0.8.0, mock-3.12.0 collected 6810 items build_backend/test_build_backend.py ..... [ 0%] build_backend/test_onbuild.py .. [ 0%] build_backend/test_plugins_json.py ..................................... [ 0%] ........................................................... [ 1%] tests/testutils/test_handshake.py ...... [ 1%] tests/utils/test_args.py ............................................... [ 2%] ..................... [ 2%] tests/utils/test_cache.py . [ 2%] tests/utils/test_crypto.py .. [ 2%] tests/utils/test_data.py ...... [ 2%] tests/utils/test_formatter.py ... [ 2%] tests/utils/test_l10n.py ............................................... [ 3%] . [ 3%] tests/utils/test_module.py ... [ 3%] tests/utils/test_named_pipe.py .......ssssss [ 4%] tests/utils/test_parse.py ....................... [ 4%] tests/utils/test_path.py ........... [ 4%] tests/utils/test_processoutput.py .......... [ 4%] tests/utils/test_random.py ......... [ 4%] tests/utils/test_times.py .............................................. [ 5%] ........................................................................ [ 6%] ......................................... [ 7%] tests/utils/test_url.py ................... [ 7%] tests/session/test_http.py .................................... [ 8%] tests/session/test_options.py ............................ [ 8%] tests/session/test_plugins.py ......................... [ 9%] tests/session/test_session.py ............. [ 9%] tests/test_api_validate.py ............................................. [ 10%] ........................................................................ [ 11%] ........................................................................ [ 12%] ........... [ 12%] tests/test_api_websocket.py .................. [ 12%] tests/test_buffers.py ................. [ 13%] tests/test_cache.py ..................... [ 13%] tests/test_compat.py ...... [ 13%] tests/test_logger.py ...................................s............. [ 14%] tests/test_options.py ........................ [ 14%] tests/test_plugin.py ................................................... [ 15%] .. [ 15%] tests/test_plugin_userinput.py .... [ 15%] tests/test_streamlink_api.py ..... [ 15%] tests/webbrowser/cdp/test_client.py .................................... [ 16%] .......... [ 16%] tests/webbrowser/cdp/test_connection.py .......................... [ 16%] tests/webbrowser/test_chromium.py ........................ [ 17%] tests/webbrowser/test_webbrowser.py .............. [ 17%] tests/stream/dash/test_dash.py ........................... [ 17%] tests/stream/dash/test_manifest.py ..................................... [ 18%] .... [ 18%] tests/stream/hls/test_hls.py ........................................... [ 19%] ......... [ 19%] tests/stream/hls/test_hls_filtered.py ...... [ 19%] tests/stream/hls/test_m3u8.py .......................................... [ 19%] ........................ [ 20%] tests/stream/test_ffmpegmux.py ......................................... [ 21%] .. [ 21%] tests/stream/test_file.py .. [ 21%] tests/stream/test_segmented.py . [ 21%] tests/stream/test_stream_json.py ........ [ 21%] tests/stream/test_stream_to_url.py ........ [ 21%] tests/stream/test_stream_wrappers.py . [ 21%] tests/test_plugins.py .................................................. [ 22%] ........................................................................ [ 23%] ........................................................................ [ 24%] ........................................................................ [ 25%] ........................................................................ [ 26%] ........................................................................ [ 27%] ........................................................................ [ 29%] ........................................................................ [ 30%] ........................................................................ [ 31%] ........................................................................ [ 32%] ........................................................................ [ 33%] ........................................................................ [ 34%] ........................................................................ [ 35%] ........................................................................ [ 36%] ........................................................................ [ 38%] ........................................................................ [ 39%] ........................................................................ [ 40%] ........................................................................ [ 41%] ........................................................................ [ 42%] ........................................................................ [ 43%] ........................................................................ [ 44%] ........................................................................ [ 46%] ........................................................................ [ 47%] ........................................................................ [ 48%] ........................................................................ [ 49%] ........................................................................ [ 50%] ........................................................................ [ 51%] ........................................................................ [ 52%] ....................................................................... [ 54%] tests/plugins/test_abematv.py .................. [ 54%] tests/plugins/test_adultswim.py ............ [ 54%] tests/plugins/test_afreeca.py ............... [ 54%] tests/plugins/test_albavision.py ....................................... [ 55%] ......... [ 55%] tests/plugins/test_aloula.py ........................... [ 55%] tests/plugins/test_app17.py ......... [ 56%] tests/plugins/test_ard_live.py ......... [ 56%] tests/plugins/test_ard_mediathek.py .................. [ 56%] tests/plugins/test_artetv.py .............................. [ 57%] tests/plugins/test_atpchallenger.py ......... [ 57%] tests/plugins/test_atresplayer.py .............. [ 57%] tests/plugins/test_bbciplayer.py .......... [ 57%] tests/plugins/test_bfmtv.py ................... [ 57%] tests/plugins/test_bigo.py ....... [ 57%] tests/plugins/test_bilibili.py ........ [ 58%] tests/plugins/test_blazetv.py ............... [ 58%] tests/plugins/test_bloomberg.py .................. [ 58%] tests/plugins/test_brightcove.py ........ [ 58%] tests/plugins/test_btv.py ......... [ 58%] tests/plugins/test_cbsnews.py .................... [ 59%] tests/plugins/test_cdnbg.py ................................ [ 59%] tests/plugins/test_ceskatelevize.py ................... [ 60%] tests/plugins/test_chzzk.py ............. [ 60%] tests/plugins/test_cinergroup.py ................. [ 60%] tests/plugins/test_clubbingtv.py .......... [ 60%] tests/plugins/test_cmmedia.py ................ [ 60%] tests/plugins/test_cnbce.py ....... [ 61%] tests/plugins/test_cnews.py .......... [ 61%] tests/plugins/test_dailymotion.py ............. [ 61%] tests/plugins/test_dash.py ............................................. [ 62%] .......................... [ 62%] tests/plugins/test_delfi.py ........... [ 62%] tests/plugins/test_deutschewelle.py ............... [ 62%] tests/plugins/test_dlive.py ...................... [ 63%] tests/plugins/test_dogan.py ......................... [ 63%] tests/plugins/test_dogus.py .............. [ 63%] tests/plugins/test_douyin.py ......... [ 64%] tests/plugins/test_drdk.py ............ [ 64%] tests/plugins/test_earthcam.py ........ [ 64%] tests/plugins/test_euronews.py ..................... [ 64%] tests/plugins/test_filmon.py .......................................... [ 65%] tests/plugins/test_goltelevision.py .............. [ 65%] tests/plugins/test_goodgame.py ................................. [ 66%] tests/plugins/test_googledrive.py ....... [ 66%] tests/plugins/test_gulli.py ................. [ 66%] tests/plugins/test_hiplayer.py ........ [ 66%] tests/plugins/test_hls.py .............................................. [ 67%] ................................................ [ 68%] tests/plugins/test_http.py ....................... [ 68%] tests/plugins/test_htv.py ........................ [ 68%] tests/plugins/test_huajiao.py ........ [ 68%] tests/plugins/test_huya.py ......... [ 69%] tests/plugins/test_indihometv.py ......... [ 69%] tests/plugins/test_invintus.py ........... [ 69%] tests/plugins/test_kick.py ................. [ 69%] tests/plugins/test_kugou.py ............ [ 69%] tests/plugins/test_livestream.py ............................. [ 70%] tests/plugins/test_lnk.py ............... [ 70%] tests/plugins/test_lrt.py .............. [ 70%] tests/plugins/test_ltv_lsm_lv.py ................. [ 71%] tests/plugins/test_mangomolo.py .............. [ 71%] tests/plugins/test_mdstrm.py ............... [ 71%] tests/plugins/test_mediaklikk.py .................. [ 71%] tests/plugins/test_mediavitrina.py ..................................... [ 72%] .. [ 72%] tests/plugins/test_mitele.py ................ [ 72%] tests/plugins/test_mixcloud.py .................... [ 73%] tests/plugins/test_mjunoon.py ........... [ 73%] tests/plugins/test_mrtmk.py ........... [ 73%] tests/plugins/test_n13tv.py .................. [ 73%] tests/plugins/test_nasaplus.py ........ [ 73%] tests/plugins/test_nhkworld.py ....... [ 73%] tests/plugins/test_nicolive.py .............. [ 74%] tests/plugins/test_nimotv.py ........... [ 74%] tests/plugins/test_nos.py ................ [ 74%] tests/plugins/test_nowtvtr.py ........... [ 74%] tests/plugins/test_nrk.py ................... [ 75%] tests/plugins/test_okru.py ............... [ 75%] tests/plugins/test_olympicchannel.py .................. [ 75%] tests/plugins/test_oneplusone.py ............... [ 75%] tests/plugins/test_onetv.py ..................... [ 76%] tests/plugins/test_openrectv.py ......... [ 76%] tests/plugins/test_pandalive.py ....... [ 76%] tests/plugins/test_piaulizaportal.py ............ [ 76%] tests/plugins/test_picarto.py ................ [ 76%] tests/plugins/test_piczel.py .......... [ 76%] tests/plugins/test_pixiv.py ......... [ 77%] tests/plugins/test_pluto.py ..................... [ 77%] tests/plugins/test_pluzz.py .................... [ 77%] tests/plugins/test_radiko.py ............ [ 77%] tests/plugins/test_raiplay.py ................ [ 78%] tests/plugins/test_reuters.py ............ [ 78%] tests/plugins/test_rtpa.py ........ [ 78%] tests/plugins/test_rtpplay.py .................. [ 78%] tests/plugins/test_rtve.py .................. [ 79%] tests/plugins/test_rtvs.py ................ [ 79%] tests/plugins/test_ruv.py .................... [ 79%] tests/plugins/test_sbscokr.py .............. [ 79%] tests/plugins/test_showroom.py ............ [ 80%] tests/plugins/test_sportal.py ......... [ 80%] tests/plugins/test_sportschau.py ......... [ 80%] tests/plugins/test_ssh101.py ........... [ 80%] tests/plugins/test_stadium.py ........... [ 80%] tests/plugins/test_steam.py ............. [ 80%] tests/plugins/test_streamable.py ....... [ 81%] tests/plugins/test_streann.py ................ [ 81%] tests/plugins/test_stv.py ........ [ 81%] tests/plugins/test_svtplay.py ................. [ 81%] tests/plugins/test_swisstxt.py .................. [ 81%] tests/plugins/test_telefe.py .............. [ 82%] tests/plugins/test_telemadrid.py ......... [ 82%] tests/plugins/test_tf1.py ............................ [ 82%] tests/plugins/test_tiktok.py ........... [ 82%] tests/plugins/test_trovo.py .............................. [ 83%] tests/plugins/test_turkuvaz.py .............................. [ 83%] tests/plugins/test_tv360.py ....... [ 83%] tests/plugins/test_tv3cat.py ......................... [ 84%] tests/plugins/test_tv4play.py .......... [ 84%] tests/plugins/test_tv5monde.py ............. [ 84%] tests/plugins/test_tv8.py ....... [ 84%] tests/plugins/test_tv999.py ............ [ 85%] tests/plugins/test_tvibo.py ......... [ 85%] tests/plugins/test_tviplayer.py .......... [ 85%] tests/plugins/test_tvp.py ....................................... [ 85%] tests/plugins/test_tvtoya.py .............. [ 86%] tests/plugins/test_twitcasting.py ....... [ 86%] tests/plugins/test_twitch.py ........................................... [ 86%] ................................................ [ 87%] tests/plugins/test_ustreamtv.py ........................... [ 88%] tests/plugins/test_ustvnow.py ......... [ 88%] tests/plugins/test_vidio.py ........... [ 88%] tests/plugins/test_vimeo.py .......................... [ 88%] tests/plugins/test_vinhlongtv.py ........... [ 89%] tests/plugins/test_vk.py ............................................ [ 89%] tests/plugins/test_vkplay.py ............. [ 89%] tests/plugins/test_vtvgo.py .................. [ 90%] tests/plugins/test_welt.py ........... [ 90%] tests/plugins/test_wwenetwork.py .......... [ 90%] tests/plugins/test_youtube.py .......................................... [ 91%] ................. [ 91%] tests/plugins/test_yupptv.py .......... [ 91%] tests/plugins/test_zattoo.py ...................................... [ 92%] tests/plugins/test_zdf_mediathek.py ................. [ 92%] tests/plugins/test_zeenews.py ........ [ 92%] tests/cli/main/test_can_handle_url.py ......... [ 92%] tests/cli/main/test_check_file_output.py ...... [ 92%] tests/cli/main/test_create_output.py .................... [ 93%] tests/cli/main/test_formatter.py ......... [ 93%] tests/cli/main/test_handle_url.py ................... [ 93%] tests/cli/main/test_logging.py .............s.s......................... [ 94%] . [ 94%] tests/cli/main/test_output_stream.py ........ [ 94%] tests/cli/main/test_output_stream_passthrough.py . [ 94%] tests/cli/main/test_player_argv.py .......sssss [ 94%] tests/cli/main/test_resolve_stream_name.py .......... [ 94%] tests/cli/main/test_setup_config_args.py ............ [ 95%] tests/cli/main/test_version_check.py ..... [ 95%] tests/cli/output/test_file.py .... [ 95%] tests/cli/output/test_player.py ........s.......s.ss.....s.s............ [ 95%] [ 95%] tests/cli/test_argparser.py ..................................... [ 96%] tests/cli/test_compat.py . [ 96%] tests/cli/test_console.py ............. [ 96%] tests/cli/test_plugin_args_and_options.py ... [ 96%] tests/cli/test_streamrunner.py ...................... [ 97%] tests/cli/utils/test_formatter.py ..... [ 97%] tests/cli/utils/test_path.py .................................s.s.s...s. [ 97%] ................... [ 98%] tests/cli/utils/test_player.py sssss..... [ 98%] tests/cli/utils/test_progress.py ....................................... [ 98%] ......................................................s.. [ 99%] tests/cli/utils/test_versioncheck.py ............... [100%] ======================= 6279 passed, 30 skipped in 6.14s ======================= + [[ -n true ]] + unset PYTHONPATH + [[ -d ../py3build ]] [Warning] ypkg-build should be run via fakeroot, not as real root user [Info] Building streamlink-6.11.0 [Build] Building native package [Source] Extracting source [Build] Running step: build [Build] build successful (0:00:01.514763) [Build] Running step: install [Build] install successful (0:00:00.322443) [Build] Running step: check [Build] check successful (0:00:06.646968) [Examine] Examining packages [Package] Creating /home/build/work/streamlink-6.11.0-65-1-x86_64.eopkg ... [Package] streamlink-6.11.0-65-1-x86_64.eopkg took 0:00:00.709218 to emit [Package] Building complete time=2025-02-14T16:48:12.555Z level=DEBUG msg="Collecting files" len=3 time=2025-02-14T16:48:12.555Z level=DEBUG msg="Collecting build artifact" path=streamlink-6.11.0-65-1-x86_64.eopkg time=2025-02-14T16:48:12.555Z level=DEBUG msg="Setting file ownership for current user" uid=1002 gid=1002 path=streamlink-6.11.0-65-1-x86_64.eopkg time=2025-02-14T16:48:12.555Z level=DEBUG msg="Collecting build artifact" path=streamlink-6.11.0-65.tram time=2025-02-14T16:48:12.556Z level=DEBUG msg="Setting file ownership for current user" uid=1002 gid=1002 path=streamlink-6.11.0-65.tram time=2025-02-14T16:48:12.556Z level=DEBUG msg="Collecting build artifact" path=pspec_x86_64.xml time=2025-02-14T16:48:12.556Z level=DEBUG msg="Setting file ownership for current user" uid=1002 gid=1002 path=pspec_x86_64.xml time=2025-02-14T16:48:12.556Z level=DEBUG msg="Acquiring global lock" time=2025-02-14T16:48:12.556Z level=DEBUG msg="Cleaning up" time=2025-02-14T16:48:12.558Z level=DEBUG msg="Killing child process in chroot" pid=317290 time=2025-02-14T16:48:12.627Z level=DEBUG msg="Requesting unmount of all remaining mountpoints" time=2025-02-14T16:48:12.720Z level=INFO msg="Building succeeded"